A company is like a machine. Various cogs in a machine work
in harmony to produce a synergic result. A company is the same, many employees
work in harmony to get a good result out! But the major difference is that
employees are not machines. Spare parts can be replaced and the efficiency of a
new part is always better than the older one. But, employees are different;
they have to develop skill in order to work in that corporate machinery!
Every employee needs skill. The skill you provide them
becomes your main weapon. Better the skill better will be the efficiency and
quality of work. To garner those skills, one needs to educate employees!
Without training, they cannot perform tasks of higher levels; you will have
employees who will strictly do monotonous work which doesn’t yield you any
profits. With unskilled employees, you will be asking a kindergarten child to
solve an algorithm! With proper education of employees, it will rather be like
asking an engineer to solve a kindergarten puzzle- that’s how massive a
difference education can make.
Moreover, education and training saves a lot of your time
and money. An employee once trained exceptionally well keeps performing well
regardless of challenges and uphill tasks. The employee also doesn’t need any
more time to learn new things; it’s already in their skill set! Once they reach
a level of skill, they keep delivering such quality increasing your company’s
productivity and eventually facilitating more profits. Trained employees can
also provide the ideal knowledge guidance for freshers. The environment they
create for their juniors will make the juniors accustomed to that level of
expertise, all this without spending a penny for raining the new breed! That’s
the reason why it is essential to educate and train your employees!
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